
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Apple Releases OS X Bash/ShellShock Patch


The official patches for the UNIX shell vulnerability have been released.
You may see them listed under 'Software Update' or you may get system notifications alerting you to them.
You can also grab them yourself here:
·              Mavericks v10.9.5+:
·              Mountain Lion v10.8.5:
·              Lion v10.7.5:
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CSRF/XSRF Protection in ColdFusion 9

Here's another little thing that's come across my desk and I hope my solution can be of some help to others.

I was asked to provide a solution to protect a site from Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) attacks.  Specifically, there were forms on the site that were considered at-risk for exploitation.  I won't get into great detail on what CSRF is, but basically it's an attack vector that attempts to exploit the trust that a website has in the user's browser to allow malicious actions to take place on the server.  

CF10 has methods for CSRF protection available built in, but the site I was asked to chime in on is on CF9.

So, the forms were vulnerable to a CSRF attack because a malicious user could cause a legitimate, authenticated user to unwittingly submit them.  In order to protect the public facing forms, it's necessary to set up a condition where the server can trust that the form submission is from the legitimate user during their session.  The method CF10 uses is to send a token with the form and check for it on submission.  We can do the same thing by adding just a few lines of code to our forms.

Here's a typical self-posting form:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, 'sendInfo')>
       <p>Your information has been received.</p>
            <label for="fName">First name:</label><cfinput name="fName" type="text"><br>
            <label for="lName">Last name:</label><cfinput name="lName" type="text"><br>
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sendInfo">

Let's add a token to the form that the server can check for:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, 'sendInfo')>
       <p>Your information has been received.</p>
      <cfset session.foobar = createUUID()>
            <cfoutput><input type="hidden" name="foobar" value="#session.foobar#"></cfoutput>
            <label for="fName">First name:</label><cfinput name="fName" type="text"><br>
            <label for="lName">Last name:</label><cfinput name="lName" type="text"><br>
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sendInfo">

Next, we want the form processor to check for the token:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, 'sendInfo')>    
    <cfif structKeyExists(session, 'foobar') and form.foobar is session.foobar>
       <p>Your information has been received.</p>
           <p>The form has a problem</p>
      <cfset session.foobar = createUUID()>
            <cfoutput><input type="hidden" name="foobar" value="#session.foobar#"></cfoutput>
            <label for="fName">First name:</label><cfinput name="fName" type="text"><br>
            <label for="lName">Last name:</label><cfinput name="lName" type="text"><br>
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sendInfo">

And finally, we want to do a little housekeeping by dropping the token from the session when we're done with it:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, 'sendInfo')>    
    <cfif structKeyExists(session, 'foobar') and form.foobar is session.foobar>
       <p>Your information has been received.</p>
           <p>The form has a problem</p>
    <cfset structDelete(session, 'foobar')>
      <cfset session.foobar = createUUID()>
            <cfoutput><input type="hidden" name="foobar" value="#session.foobar#"></cfoutput>
            <label for="fName">First name:</label><cfinput name="fName" type="text"><br>
            <label for="lName">Last name:</label><cfinput name="lName" type="text"><br>
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sendInfo">

So there ya' go.  A handful of code and you've got your server recognizing your forms for a one-time post and bouncing them on any attempted re-posting.

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