
Monday, February 4, 2013

Need to Open Up Space on an iOS Device? PhoneClean 2.0


I was doing some Groundhog Day cleaning on my iPad, you know, moving photos, videos, and such off to get back a little storage space.  When I was done, I saw that I had nearly 5 gig of space being eaten up by 'Other'.

Some of that space usage is legit.  Application data, contacts and the like. But devices can accumulate quite a bit of detritus just from day-to-day usage; temp files, caches, off-line files, cookies, scripts, and corrupt media files from failed iTunes syncs.

So I took a little walk around the Interwebs to see if there was something that would survey my storage and assess what it found.

I came across a little freeware tool called PhoneClean that seemed to be just what I was looking for, so I decided to go ahead and give it a whirl.  You can download PhoneClean directly from the developer’s website.  PhoneClean is available for both Windows PC and Mac.  Once installed onto your computer, it’s just a few steps to run through the files on your device and scrub the unneeded ones.

So here we go:
  1. Back up your device.
         Before I do anything that might fubar my data I always do a backup.  I used iTunes to sync my iPad so I'd be able to rollback if this didn't go well.
  2. Connect your device to the computer
  3. Launch PhoneClean.
    You'll get a screen similar to this:
          You can see how much free space you have, and you can select what type of file to look for.
  1. Start the scan.
    When it's done you'll get a screen showing how much space can be freed up and what apps have files that can be deleted:
          Clicking on any of the apps will show you what files can go.
          And you have complete control of which files are removed and which ones stay.

  1. Click Clean Up to start the process of deleting the files.
              When it's all done you'll see a confirmation of how much space was freed up.

When I ran PhoneClean it about 20 minutes all together to scan and clear out the files.  In the end it opened up 2.89GB space.

Definitely worth the time and the price is right.
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Sunday, February 3, 2013


I was working on a little ColdFusion project the other day.  Something rather uncomplicated actually.  We needed to write an application that would:
  1. automatically check a mailbox for messages
  2. parse information from valid messages into a database
  3. move those messages from the Inbox to another folder
  4. delete any other messages from the box
Simple enough to do; now time to test.

I kick-off the process and -
An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters.
This exception was caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: PKIX path validation failed: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors;

Well yippee, CF doesn't have the mail server's cert in its list.  This'll be fun- go generate a cert file and try to remember the command line to install it in CF's stores.

"But wait" says a friend, "there's an app for that" :) .  She clues me in on a little tool called KeyStore Explorer that's much better than all the command line stuff.    I take her advice (my friends are very smart) and grab a download at to check it out.  A couple of minutes later I point the tool at the cacerts file  (%cfroot%/jre/lib/security/cacerts) and install the mail server's cert.  No muss, no fuss, no bother.

The parser is humming along like it should and I'm on to the next 'to-do'.

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