
Sunday, December 23, 2012

ASCII Characters and Symbols

Every so often I find that I need to place a special character and I just don't remember the coding.  I've usually had to Google around and look at multiple sites before finding the character I want. So I decided to compile a comprehensive list and put it here for easy reference. CHR(#)HTML EntitySymbol chr(160)  chr(161)¡¡ chr(162)¢¢ chr(163)££ chr(164)¤¤ chr(165)¥¥ chr(166)¦¦ chr(167)§§ chr(168)¨¨ chr(169)©© chr(170)ªª chr(171)«« chr(172)¬¬ chr(173)­­ chr( ...
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Finding Occurrences of a Word in MSSQL Stored Procedures

Here's a little trick that slipped my mind until I needed to search through about 2400 SPs looking for a specific word. The query is very simple, and it returns a listing of all of the SPs with the word you're looking for. It's just another one of those 'you don't know what you've forgotten until you need it' things. SELECT ROUTINE_NAME, ROUTINE_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_DEFINITION LIKE '%foobar%' ...
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RSS in Coldfusion

Faster isn't always better, but sometimes it is. Using the CFFEED tag, I set up an RSS feed on a site in less than 5 minutes. The coding is dead simple and about as straight forward as you can get. I have a CMS set up so that my content editors can add news items to the site. When they save the new item, the code below fires off and updates the RSS feed <!--- pull the 20 latest items ---> <cfquery name="getFeedDetails" datasource="#application.db#"> SELECT ...
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NTEXT and Truncation Errors on Delete

A quick note to the MS SQL users here with a reminder to help you avoid a little gotcha. The NTEXT data type was deprecated in MSSQL 2005. So, if you've migrated a db up to SQL 2005 or 2008 and, if you try to delete records in a table with an NTEXT field from the data grid view, you'll get an error telling you that the data will be truncated, and the delete won't work. You gotta delete through a query. Funny what you don't recall if you don't use it oft ...
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